Reset Guidelines

Reset Guidelines

Welcome to the Reset Week!!

The purpose of this week is to start removing inflammation in your body, reduce sugar cravings, and reset your metabolism! This is designed for one week only to set you up for optimal success to start The New Thin Nutrition and Workouts! Get ready to kick some serious bootay!


NO exercise during Days 1-4. Don’t panic! There’s an important reason for this! Your body needs to allocate its energy to detoxing and resetting. Also, exercise can cause inflammation, which works against this week’s purpose! However, during these first four days, you CAN do low impact cardio like walking or yoga. My advice: Embrace this time to love your body and help it reset. Remember, living a healthy life means a lot more than just exercising!

  • Your primary food this week is protein, veggies, and healthy fats. The plan starts more restrictive and then slowly adds more food groups (and calories) as the week progresses.
  • During this week, your fruit intake is limited to the morning as part of your breakfast. Since fruit is still sugar, you want to minimize it as much as possible during the reset week.
  • Stick to gluten-free carbohydrates for this week only - this is to accelerate the inflammatory reducing process. If preferred, you can start adding non-gluten carbohydrates back on day 8. (see list below)
  • Make sure you eat enough protein and healthy fats: avocado, nuts, nut butters, oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil. Your body needs good fat to let go of bad fat!
  • Drink 8-12 glasses of water per day, or half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, drink 65 ounces of water a day.
  • Each day drink 8-16 oz of plain organic celery juice first thing in the moring on an empty stomach. Wait 15-30 minutes before eating breakfast. Celery juice is a powerful anti-inflamatory and great source of electrolytes.
    • Directions: Wash celery and run through juicer. Alternatively, you can chop the celery and blend it in a high-speed blender unitl smooth. Only add a small amount of water if needed. Strain blended celery through a fine-mesh strainer, cheese cloth, or nut milk bag and drink immediately. *Do NOT drink the pulp. 
  • Follow the Portion Size Guide:




*Note: Fat portion for oils: use tip of thumb.

*Important note: I’m not saying the foods you are eliminating are all “bad.” I eat some of these foods each day! The problem arises when you consistently eat too much of these foods and your body gets overwhelmed. The goal of the Reset Week is to remove the burden by eating low-inflammatory food so you can lose the bloat, stabilize your blood sugar, and decrease inflammation in your body.

For Days 1-3 ... Eliminate the following:

dairy (eggs don't count)
refined sugar (all baked goods and processed foods)
sugar sweeteners (besides stevia)
all soda (diet and regular)
*coffee and tea

*If you start having headaches, you can have one cup of coffee or tea in the

CAUTION: You don't want to eat this too few of calories for very long or it will start to slow down your metabolism. That’s why it’s limited to these 3 days.

For Days 4-5: Add a carbohydrate to one meal 

Choose either breakfast or lunch (not dinner)
Choose a gluten-free carb: gluten-free oats, sweet potato, quinoa, gluten-free bread or pasta, Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), Other grains: amaranth, buckwheat, rice (brown, wild, basmati), millet


Breakfast: Add oats to your morning shake or have gluten-free toast with your omelette.

Lunch: Add a sweet potato, rice, quinoa, or gluten-free pasta to your lunch

For Day 6: Add salt to one meal (himalayan pink salt preferred)

Example: Add salt to your eggs for breakfast OR to your veggies for dinner

For Day 7: Add a second carbohydrate

Have one gluten-free carb at breakfast and one at lunch (NOT dinner)

For Days 8 onward:

Start The New Thin Nutrition Plan!

I would increase your salt over the course of several days.

Add back in dairy SLOWLY: Start with one meal for a few days, and then if you desire more, add some to a second meal. Even if you tolerate dairy well, I don’t recommend having it more than twice a day.

You can also add in more fruit. But remember fruit is still sugar, so I recommend you limit it to one to two times a day and in the first half of your day.

I’ve given you a Meal Plan for the Reset Week with an accompanying grocery list, but if you’d rather eat other foods, just make sure to follow the guidelines and design your meals and snacks accordingly!