Weeks 10 & 12: Lower Body 1

Weeks 10 & 12: Lower Body 1

Circuit 1

1. Lateral band walks to sprawl squat overhead press (2 walks & then sprawl): 14 reps (7 each side)

Only step as wide as you can with keeping feet and knees aligned. Keep proper squat form (see glossary) - hips back, chest lifted, head neutral, weight in heels.  Keep core tight throughout and glutes squeezed in sprawl to protect lower back.

2. Front kick to split lunge jump (modification: front kick to reverse lunge,no jump): 14 reps (7 each side)

Make sure core is engaged to help lift and kick the leg forward - foot flexed. In the lunge make sure you keep your spine tall and weight in your standing heel as your lower to where both your front and back leg form 90 degree angles, with your  knees directly over your ankles.  If you can’t lower to 90 degrees without wobbling, only lower as far as you can control.  Keep your core tight in the jump and control the landing. If you can’t land without wobbling your knees, omit jump.

3. Ski abs (modification: return to plank each time): 20 reps (10 each side)

Keep wrists stacked under shoulders and body in proper plank position/alignment.  Use core to bring legs side to side.  

Circuit 2

1. Band hip extension (modification: no band): 20 reps

Keep core tight, focus on lifting legs with the glutes, keep legs straight, and squeeze glutes for 1 second at top of movement.

2. Single leg hip thrust: 15 reps each leg

Upper back placed comfortably on bench, drive through heel of standing leg, don’t overextend hips which will cause the lower back to arch, squeeze glutes at top of movement. Keep abs tight.

3. Single leg step up jump (modification: singe leg step up hold): 15 reps each leg

Drive through standing leg heel for proper glute activation while stepping up and move through front of foot to jump. Use core to help lift and hold leg in hip flexion during jump.

BURNER: Squat jumps in and out - parallel to turn out

Keep weight in heels and stay low.  Keep good squat technique throughout movement: hips pushed back and knees extended in alignment with feet (not turned in), chest lifted, core tight, head looking straight ahead