Week 9 & 11: Shoulders, Triceps, Abs

Week 9 & 11: Shoulders, Triceps, Abs

Circuit 1

1. DB abduction to upward rotation, overhead press: 12 reps

Engage lats throughout to keep shoulders down and not lifting towards ears. Keep elbows bent at 90 degree angle.  Focus on moving the arm from the shoulders and not the elbows.

2. Plank cross body knee tap: 20 reps (10 each side)

Keep your wrists under your shoulders, stomach tight, neutral spine (no arching or dipping). If your hips sag, concentrate on keeping your abs tight and squeezing your glutes. This will give your core more support and protect your lower back.Your neck needs to follow the alignment of your back, with your head looking toward the floor (not up or not sagging down). Control the movement of your arms and legs arm.

3. Tricep extension - palms in 15 reps

(can also be done bent over while standing)

Don’t use momentum to move arms, this is a controlled movement to ensure proper tricep activation. Only the part of the arm below the elbow should move.

4. Narrow grip push-up (modification: knees down): 15 reps

Place hands directly under shoulders and lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor.  This placement of the hands allows you to lower further to the floor than a traditional pushup and works your triceps as you push your upper body back up to the starting position. If your hips sag, concentrate on keeping your abs tight and squeezing your glutes.  This will give your core more support and protect your lower back.

Circuit 2

1. DB L-raise: 24 reps (12 each side)

Engage your lat muscles throughout to keep shoulders down and not lifting towards your ears. If it’s too difficult with straight arms, you can soften the elbows to create a slight bend. Don’t swing your arms.

2. Commando to knee ins (modification: commandos): 30 reps (15 each arm)

Keep wrist aligned under shoulders, head and spine stay neutral: don’t look up - this curves the cervical spine. Keep core tight and glutes squeezed to minimize hips shifting side to side. Push through palm of hand to engage lats as you press to upward plank position.

3. Single leg tricep dip (modification: tricep dip): 30 reps (15 each leg)

Make sure to keep wrists stacked under elbows, hips lifted and core tight.  Make sure you’re using your arms to lower and lift in the dip and not your hips.

4. Rotating plank: 30 reps (15 each side)

Engage obliques to dip and lift hips.  Keep everything tight to protect back - form should be same as regular plank: Engage your lats by pushing through the floor with elbows to avoid sinking into shoulder joints. Make sure your belly doesn’t sag and your back doesn’t round upward.  Keep your abs tight (like they’re bracing for a punch to the gut), and make sure your head, hips and heels stay in line - squeeze glutes. Your neck needs to follow the alignment of your back, with your head looking toward the floor (not up or sagging down).

BURNER: Plank shoulder tap to rotation up: 2 taps, 2 rotations

Keep your wrists under your shoulders, stomach tight, neutral spine (no arching or dipping). If your hips sag, concentrate on keeping your abs tight and squeezing your glutes. This will give your core more support and protect your lower back. Your neck needs to follow the alignment of your back, with your head neutral - not looking up or sagging down.  Control the deceleration of each arm - don’t let gravity drop it down fast.