Weeks 6 & 8: Lower Body 1

Weeks 6 & 8: Lower Body 1

Circuit 1

1. Band squat to hip extension (modification: no band): 30 reps (15 each leg)

Only step as wide as you can with keeping feet and knees aligned and weight evenly distributed throughout the foot - not on the inside or outside edge of foot.Keep weight in heels and squeeze glute at end of extension.

2. Band hip extension (modification: no band): 20 reps

Keep core tight, focus on lifting legs with the glutes, keep legs straight, and squeeze glutes for 1 second at top of the movement.

3. DB hip thrust with band (modification: no DBs): 15 reps

(can use barbell if at gym)

Upper back placed comfortably on bench, drive through heels, don’t overextend hips which will cause the lower back to arch, squeeze glutes at top of movement. Keep abs tight.

4. Sing leg step up hold (modification: no DBs): 15 reps each leg

Drive through the standing leg heel for proper glute activation. Use core to help lift and hold leg in hip flexion.

Circuit 2

1.Side lunge DB reach to curtsy lunge press: 15 reps each side

(complete all reps on one side before switching)

Keep weight in standing heel, push hips back and don't rush the end range of each lunge - remember we want to tax the glutes! Keep back flat, chest lifted and core tight throughout the movement.

2. Bell plank: 30 reps (15 each leg)

Keep head and spine neutral, wrists aligned under shoulders, core tight and glutes squeezed throughout movement. Focus on using your outer glute to move the leg.

3. Squat jump twist: 24 reps (12 each side)

Keep your back straight as you bend over, weight in heels, chest lifted, and look towards the direction you’re twisting.  Keep proper squat form and make sure knees don’t rotate in.  

BURNER: Sumo squat arm pulse

Keep core tight and stay low to maximize the burn! Engage lats to keep shoulders down throughout movement