Weeks 2 & 4: Full Body

Weeks 2 & 4: Full Body

Circuit 1

1. Sprawl squat to hammer curl (staying in squat position): 12 reps

Keep proper squat form (see glossary) - keep hips back with chest lifted, head neutral, weight in heels.  Keep core tight throughout and glutes squeezed in sprawl to protect lower back.

2. Alternating leg raise clap: 30 reps (15 each leg)

Pull your navel in toward your spine and actively press your lower back flat on the ground.  Engage your lower core to lift and lower each leg.  Engage upper core to reach arms to clap behind leg.  Don’t crank or collapse neck forward.

3. DB 90˚ side raise: 15 reps

Engage lats throughout to keep shoulders down and not lifting towards ears. Keep elbows bent at 90 degree angle.  Focus on lifting the arm from your shoulders and not your elbows.

4. Plank shoulder taps: 30 reps (15 each side)

Keep your wrists under your shoulders, stomach tight, neutral spine (no arching or dipping). If your hips sag, concentrate on keeping your abs tight and squeezing your glutes. This will give your core more support and protect your lower back. Your neck should follow the alignment of your back, with your head looking toward the floor (not up or not sagging down). Control the deceleration of each arm - don’t let gravity drop it down fast.

Circuit 2

1. Curtsy lunge with overhead press: 12 reps each side

(complete all reps on one side before switching)

Keep your weight in the standing heel, push hips back and don't rush the end range of the lunge - remember we want to tax the glutes! Keep back flat, chest lifted and core tight throughout the movement. Engage lats to keep shoulders down when lifting DB overhead.

2. Band rear delt fly: 15 reps

Engage lats before pulling the band backwards. Keep your core tight and try to keep wrists and hands aligned as much as possible to avoid straining your wrists.

3. Push-ups (modification: knees down): 15 reps

Keep head/neck neutral with spine - don’t dip head down below shoulders. Your elbows should stack over your wrists for support and safety. If your hips sag, concentrate on keeping your abs tight and squeezing your glutes.  This will give your core more support and protect your lower back. Keep your body tight through the full range of motion.  Imagine you’re pushing your hands through the floor to maximize total-body tension and create more force.

4. Speed skaters: 30 reps (15 each side)

Keep back in neutral position: don’t overarch or bend too far forward: hips back, core tight, chest lifted. Keep your weight in the heel of the standing leg.

BURNER: Band squat jumps in and out - staying parallel (modification: no band)

Keep weight in heels and stay low.  Keep good squat technique throughout movement: hips pushed back and knees extended in alignment with feet (not turned in or out), chest lifted, core tight, head looking straight ahead