Weeks 2 & 4: Upper Body, Abs

Weeks 2 & 4: Upper Body, Abs

Circuit 1

1. Reverse crunch chest press: 15 reps

Don’t collapse your head/neck forward in crunch. Engage lower core to bring legs in and out.

2. Tricep extension - palms up: 15 reps

(can be done bent over while standing)

Don’t use momentum to move arms, this is a controlled movement to ensure proper tricep activation. Only the part of the arm below the elbow should move.

3. Side plank crunch - rotating down: 12 reps each side

Keep hips lifted and use obliques for rotation down and lifting back up to a neutral spine. Keep body in alignment: head with spine with heels.

4. Mountain climbers: 40 reps (20 each leg)

Only go the speed in which you are able to engage your core in bringing your legs towards your chest and you’re not just “running your legs in and out.”  Keep wrists in alignment with shoulders and head in alignment with spine.

Circuit 2

1. DB plank row: 24 reps (12 each arm)

Engage your lats by pushing with your hands through the floor to avoid sinking into your shoulder joints. Make sure your belly doesn’t sag and your back doesn’t round upward.  Keep your abs tight (like they’re bracing for a punch to the gut) and make sure your head, hips and heels stay in line - squeeze your glutes. Your neck should follow the alignment of your back (head not looking up or sagging down).  Focus on lifting the dumbbell with your lat muscles, with your arms only assisting.

2. Reverse crunch (modification: straight leg raise): 15 reps

Don’t use momentum, this is a controlled movement to ensure proper ab activation when lifting your legs toward your chest.

3. Plank single arm rotation up: 24 reps (12 each side)

Keep head and spine neutral, wrists aligned under shoulders, core tight  and glutes squeezed throughout movement.

4. Bell plank: 24 reps (12 each leg)

Keep head and spine neutral, wrists aligned under shoulders, core tight  and glutes squeezed throughout movement. Focus on using your outer glute to move the leg.


Engage your lats by pushing through the floor through your elbows to avoid sinking into your shoulder joints. Make sure your belly doesn’t sag and your back doesn’t round upward.  Keep your abs tight (like they’re bracing for a punch to the gut), and make sure your head, hips and heels stay in line - squeeze glutes. Your neck should follow the alignment of your back, with your head looking toward the floor (not up or sagging down)